Kamis, 01 November 2012

< Normal Boa Constrictor

           Albino Boa Constrictor >

                             BIG BOA >

Boa constrictor is a large snake species. It is a member of the family Boidae found in North, Central, and South America, as well as several islands in the Caribbean. The Boa constrictor can reach a length of 3-13 feet (0.91 to 4.0 m) depending on the region and the availability of suitable prey. There is a clear sexual dimorphism seen in the species, the female boa is generally larger than the males. Thus, the average size of mature female boa is between 7-10 feet (2.1 to 3.0 m), while adult males reach 6-8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 m). The Boa constrictor is a heavy-bodied snake, and large specimens can weigh up to 27 kg. Women, gender larger, ie 10 to 15 kg. Boa limiting the size and weight depending on the subspecies, local, and availability of prey Boa constrictor cocok.Warna and shape may vary depending on the region. However, they are generally brown, gray or cream base color, patterned with brown or reddish brown "saddles" that become more pronounced towards the tail. This is the coloring that gives Boa constrictor the common name of "red-tailed boa", as it typically has more red saddles than other subspecies of Boa barrier. Coloring works as very effective camouflage in the woods and forests of the reach alam.Ada individuals also exhibit pigmentary disorders such as albinism. Although individual rare in the wild, they are common in captivity where they are often selectively bred to make a variety of different color "morphs". Boa constrictors have an arrow-shaped head that has lines on it are very typical. One runs dorsally from the snout to the back of the head. The others run from the snout to the eyes and then from the eyes to the jaw. Boa constrictors can sense heat via cells in their lips, though they do not have holes surrounding labial receptors seen in many members of the family boidae. Boa constrictors also have two lungs, a smaller (non-functional) left and enlarged (functional) right lung to better fit their elongated shape, unlike many colubrid snakes which have completely lost the left lung.

Developing Habitat boa in a variety of environmental conditions, from tropical rainforests to arid semi-desert country. However, he preferred to live in the rainforest because of humidity and temperature, natural cover from predators and a large number of potential prey. It is commonly found in or along rivers and streams, as it is a very capable swimmer. Boa constrictor will also occupy intermediate mammal burrows, where it can hide from potential predators. [6]

Behavior Boa constrictors are solitary animals, and will only associate with conspecifics to mate. They are active at night, however, they may bask during the day when the night temperature is too low. As semi-arboreal snakes, young boa constrictor individuals may climb into trees and shrubs-semak.Namun, they become mostly terrestrial as they become older and heavier. Boa constrictors will strike when threatened, and will bite in defense. The bites can be painful, especially from large snakes, but is rarely dangerous.

Reproduction and development of Boa constrictors are ovoviviparous, giving birth to live young. They will generally breed in the dry season between April-and August-and polygynous, thus males may mate with several females. A half of all females will breed in a given year, and a larger percentage of males will actively try to find a mate. However, due to the nature of the limiting polygyny Boa lot of men will not work .. The reason is due to the fact that they ovovivparous (ie eggs hatch inside the body). During the breeding season the female boa will emit a scent from her cloaca to attract males, who then might wrestle for the right to breed with him. During the breeding male will curl his tail around the females and the hemipenes (male reproductive organs) will be inserted. Copulation can last from several minutes to several hours, and may occur several times over the past few weeks. After ovulation period which may not happen immediately, but the female can hold sperm inside her up to one year. When a woman ovulates, the mid-body swell can see that appears similar to after the snake has eaten a large meal. Females then going down two to three weeks after ovulation, with what is known as a post ovulation shed which will last another 2-3 weeks, longer than normal warehouse. The gestation period, which is calculated from the post ovulation shed, is approximately 100-120 days. The female will then give birth.

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