Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013


ORIENTATION : In a zoo in mexico, there are some lions. However, there is only one young lion who feel that they are distinguished by other living things. He was not given the same behavior as the other lions. "Why am I singled out? And I'm the same with the other lions, "asked the young lion on his own. "Everything I do is the same as the other lion" the young lion on his own again. He looked pensive and old lion was lying licking its fur.

TWIST : Seeing the confusion of a young lion, old lion said "Hey kid, look at you! You differ with us, you are not a lion. Sadailah it, and accept the reality of life ". The young lion will confuse the words of the old lion. He paused and thought about what he exactly. And finally he realized that he was a monkey. Slowly he finally accepted the fact that he is not a lion. he began to mingle with other monyat and behave like other monkeys.

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